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9pt. (心) Tiny Text Rubber Stamp


Introducing the Chinese version of 9pt stamps. Named "心" (xīn), which means heart and is also pronounced similarly to "new" in Chinese.

These 18-piece stamps are curated from the heartfelt phrases that have often spoken to me as my journal listener. Thoughtfully crafted to share sentimental moments for your journaling, scrapbooking, and crafting endeavors, each stamp is delicately designed to capture the essence of daily life, offering a gentle reminder to pause, reflect, and nurture your soul.

一早陽光真好 / Love the early morning sunshine

深夜寂靜之美  / The beauty of midnight's hush

走,去走走吧。  / Come, let’s go.

有點愜意的時光  / Moments of gentle ease

頻繁紀錄歲月痕跡  / Constantly etching the footprints of time/ Recording the ordinary moments

今日美好  / The beauty of today

吃飽,心靈富足。  / Full tummy, heart is full.

我喜歡今天 :)  / I like this day! : )

小日子,是這樣吧。  / Simple days are like this, are they not?

時而迷茫,時而清醒  / Moments lost, moments found

好好吃飯,乖乖睡覺  / Eat well, sleep soundly

練習快樂  / Cultivating joy

零碎間拼湊快樂:  / Piecing together fragments of joy/ Finding happiness in scattered moments

沿途風景  / The scenery of the journey

一個人的浪漫  / The romance of being alone 

某日的風,某刻的我。  / A day's breeze; a moment's self

聽歌~*發呆  / Listening to music, lost in reverie

按下暂停键 || 缓缓  / Pressing pause, slowing down

This rubber stamp designed in tiny font size 9pt would be great for adorning your journal pages, adding personalised touch to outgoings or any projects. It would also make a unique gift for people who are looking for something different. We hope this unique creation will add some sparks in your everyday life.

*With purchase of a complete set (18 pcs), receive a free customized white paper tray for holding these tiny rubber stamps in place. Simple assembly required with guide provided.


Size: 30x6x24mm

Designed by Pooi Chin

Made in Malaysia


Pooi Chin is known for her personal creative touches on her journals pages, outgoing mails and wrappings with the usage of different materials, such as wax seals, washi tapes, ephemera, rubber stamps, and many more. She believes that recording memories in analogue way is a chance of allowing ourselves to slow down and experience the rhythm of life, and also looking into the details in everyday life. 

Pooi Chin has also published her first book, "Pooi Chin - Love for Journal: The ultimate mystery of stationery" in 2017 and conducted a number of journalling workshops these years.