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Celebrate Every Moments with Up to 30% Off Calendars & Diaries

One Third Design

Awaken Yourself, Gently Daily Calendar 2022

RM68.00 RM228.00


For a while everyday seemed like the same. Life is at once too overwhelming and not engaging enough. We might be tired, burnt out, not excited. Yet, down deep in our hearts, we are still looking forward to the light that shines into our daily lives, those moments that will awake us, gently.


Within each day of this beautiful calendar, you will find: 

- Minimalist artwork composed of simple lines and geometric shapes 

- A raft of beautiful quotes to lift your mood

- Track the date alongside with lunar date and holiday/festival/celebration printed in minimal design

支撐架設計-採用深茶色有機玻璃(俗稱壓克力),厚度3毫米, 上方掛孔孔徑7毫米,搭配活動式支撐片,可自由調整使用方式,輕鬆掛置牆面、站立桌面、躺在茶几上。

This beautiful calendar blends modern designs with elevated high-quality materials for a minimalist tool that suits any space. Display this calendar over your desk with the acrylic stand for an at-a-glance reference, or hang in any room to add clean design and visual interest.

After tearing the pages off, you can store them in the beautify printed drawer box, or to repurpose them for your creative projects, such as adorning your pages or outgoings. 

Filled with mood-boosting tips, uplifting quotes and eye-catching designs, we hope this beautiful modern calendar will spark your days and you'll be inspired. 

因為 《用最溫柔的方式把自己打醒》雖溫柔,重點卻在「打醒」二字,
這份認清自己的過程總是痛苦的,HENRY 集結這幾年寫下的句子,搭配三分之一設計的幾何圖形,製作成 2022年的日曆,讓每日一句一圖陪伴你們啟動對話。


Unlike the usual preface found in other books, the preface of this calendar is intentionally left blank. You can use this page to write something for your future self in 2022, or a gift notes for your friend or loved one. Since preface is an introduction and the best recommendation of one book, the designer loves to leave this page for you.


基於這樣的信念,開始在社群平台上撰寫了每週日的短文,那是一段自我對話的過程,也是我慢慢地與讀者之間產生一對多對話的習慣,這些對話偶爾是自我檢討、自我安慰、更多的是打醒自己的告解,一直都在想著用各種形式延續這些對話,而有了《用最溫柔的方式打醒自己 2022年日曆》— 試著每天用一句話陪伴著看到這本日曆的你,開啟一天的對話。


The author/designer believes that many inspirations and thoughts happen from our daily conversations. It could be a short dialogue with acquaintance, argument with family, shared complains with friends, romantic talks with lovers, or internal dialogue with yourself. We learn more about ourselves from these conversation and become a better self from self-discovery. 

Started from sharing his thoughts on social media, the author/designer has now compiled them together and put into this calendar. This collection of daily thoughts or quotes of this calendars may allow you to nourish your soul or to reflect on the simple things in life, or to reflect on yourself.


Contents: 365 daily calendar, acrylic board, drawer-box

Size: 21cm x 13.5cm x 3.5cm; (Calendar Page Size) 12.6 x 17.7cm

Designed by One Third Design x Henry (@ hxxadotinfo)

Made in Taiwan