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Celebrate Every Moments with Up to 30% Off Calendars & Diaries


bighands Memo Pad - every day


While I’m in my acrylic painting routine,
inspiration quietly arrives. :)

I made a wish, I wish for light-hearted days ahead.
And so, the artworks are filled with fresh,
comfortable tones.
At times, I dive into imagination,
and at others, I stay grounded. :)
In this way, I completed these artworks in a
comfortable mood, expressing my wishes
for an ideal everyday life.

This series carries my wishes and blessings.
I hope everyone can live the life you love,
bravely doing what you love!

- __bighands 


Inspired by the reflective journey and heartfelt wish to embrace a life she loves, bighands has created this beautiful series to convey her vision of a world where creativity knows no bounds. 

bighands's memo pads feature adorable illustrations which are great for adding lovely details and having cozy atmosphere on your pages and outgoings. We hope enjoy using these unique creations integrating with your daily life.


Content: 48 sheets; 6 designs x 8 sheets 

Size: 6x8.5cm

Designed by bighands

Made in Malaysia