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MD Double Schedule Diary 2021

RM40.00 RM70.00

Midori Double Schedule Diary is an innovative monthly diary that allows you to manage two appointments simultaneously. This double schedule diary is very useful when it comes to multitasking or to separate your work life and daily life. It allow you to access to two different journal entries easier. Maybe two different users could try to use this diary together too, depending on how you would like to split these two sections.

It has special-made a blue and a pink index, which make it pretty easy to find which section (blue/pink) you're looking for. If you are looking for blue section (for example: your woking schedule), you will just need to flip from the blue index, vice versa. 

The design of MD Double Schedule Diary is also very considerable as there're columns at the left side of each month in order the user to jot down important event/points of particular days in that particular month. 

Click here to view some of the inner pages!



Schedule Periods: 

October 2020 - February 2022 (x2)


80 pages

Calendar; Monthly Plans Pages x2 ; Free Memo Pages; Personal Info Page


Cover - PVC; Insert - MD Paper


B6 - H186×W132×D5mm