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Celebrate Every Moments with Up to 30% Off Calendars & Diaries


MD Notebook Diary 2023

RM28.00 RM56.00

Featuring monthly schedule pages in block layout, pages of horizontal-ruled notes area that split into few sections for weekly schedule, and free unlined notes pages, this MD Notebook Diary allows you to record enough memories to fill a dictionary. It is a simple-to-use diary to jot down your moments, your thoughts and some inspirations.

MD notebooks are created using traditional thread-stitched book-binding methods, with papers folded into a bundle and stitched down the spine. This ensure the notebook opens evenly and is highly durable. By adopting this method, MD notebooks are able to open fully 180 degrees.

To learn more about Midori Notebook Diary Book, click here for a blog entry introducing MD Notebook Diary.


Schedule Periods: 

December 2022 - January 2024(14 months)


Year Calendar 2 pages; Monthly Schedule 28 pages; Free Memo Pages with Lines 113 pages (enough for 53 weeks if using 2 pages for a week); Blank Pages 32 pages; Index Seals


MD Paper


A6 - H148 × W105 × D10 mm

B6 Slim - H175 × W105 × D10 mm

A5 - H210 × W148 × D10 mm