modaizhi 默代誌
modaizhi [Today's Market] Rubber Stamp - Elf & Sheep Boss
Step into a world of whimsical charm with these stamps, featuring the signature characters of modaizhi – the adorable Sheep and Mini Elf. Each stamp captures the playful spirit of these characters as they take charge of a bustling market booth, bringing a touch of delight to your crafting projects.
Packaged meticulously to resemble a mini outgoing parcel, every detail has been thoughtfully crafted to enhance your unboxing experience. From the intricate care stickers to the label that reads "please take video," you'll feel like you're receiving a special delivery from a tiny, magical market.
Available in 2 designs:
[A] Sheep Boss at the Booth (5 x 4 cm): Sheep Boss managing the market stall with charm and efficiency
[B] Mini Elf Boss (5 x 5 cm): Mini Elf overseeing the market activities with a touch of magic
Designed by modaizhi
Made in Taiwan