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Yamadoro Rubber Stamp - Mr. Bird’s Life Principles (Live Everyday Beautifully)


一天之中有那麼多、那麼多,數不清的list,工作中常見的待辦list、to do list,即便是出遊,那些必備、必買、必看,寫的長長一條的旅行list...每一刻都有那麼多想完成的事阿!而小鳥先生在生活準則中提到:「認真評估、檢視清單上的每個項目,當混亂的、迷惘的都漸漸清晰起來時,相信屬於你美好的一天即將到來。」

In a single day, there are so many, so many lists—countless in number. There are the common to-do lists at work, and even when traveling, there are those must-have, must-buy, must-see lists, stretching out long and full of things to accomplish!

Mr. Bird mentions in his life principles: ”Carefully evaluate and review each item on your list. When the chaos and confusion gradually become clearer, believe that a wonderful day destined for you is on the horizon.


Designed by Taiwanese illustrator, Yamadorothis rubber stamp set features Mr. Bird gently reminding us to embrace the beauty of each day, even amidst the endless tasks and to-do lists. Each wooden rubber stamp adds a touch of elegance to your pages, outgoings, gift tags, greeting cards, and more, allowing you to create memorable moments.

Size: 40x45x20mm

Designed by Yamadoro

Made in Taiwan