MD Notebook Diary 1Day 1Page 2024
Just like how much you appreciate your MD 1Day1Page Diary Book, we appreciate this simple yet elegant diary book and each of the users of MD 1Day1Page.
For each copy of the Midori 1Day1Page diary book 2024, it will come with a drawstring pouch specially designed and prepared for MD 1Day1Page users since 2018.
Featuring monthly schedule pages and 385 free pages, this MD Diary 1Day1Page allows you to record enough memories to fill a dictionary. It is a simple-to-use diary to jot down your moments, your thoughts and some inspirations.

MD notebooks are created using traditional thread-stitched book-binding methods, with papers folded into a bundle and stitched down the spine. This ensure the notebook opens evenly and is highly durable. By adopting this method, MD notebooks are able to open fully 180 degrees.
Besides its promising smooth & comfortable writing surface with no ink bleed-through, it's its elegant simplicity. Regardless of the printed timelines, its outline is basically provide us a very flexible outline. You may decorate it with your washi tapes, stickers, rubber stamps, which could lead to unlimited creativity.

MD 1 Day1Page, is made up of undated, daily pages. You can continue to use it even in the next coming year, do one or few pages for recording a day, skip a page if you wish, everything depends on you, the journalist, the writer.
Monthly calendars for December 2023 through January 2024, with a Monday-Sunday calendar format. Each month gets a two-page spread, giving you enough space to note your most important reminders for each day.
To help you in scheduling or writing routines, the left half of daily pages features a column of lines marked with the times, divided into hourly row. Dots above the lines can be used for writing to-dos or scheduling. You can also use the free space next to the dots for drawing or document additional notes such as weather, meals you have taken, or how you felt on that day.
Faint lines from the previous page can be seen through the blank paper, which helps keep your writing straight.
MD Diary 1Day1Page might be suitable for you
- who want to write 1 page for a day
- who want to write many pages for a day, or who like to write a lot
- who don't want to write everyday
- who just begin your journaling journey and not sure whether could write everyday
- who likes to create collages or download various printable designed "dates"/planner stickers
- who is Midori 1Day1Page's fans!
Schedule Periods:
December 2023 - January 2025 (14 months)
Year Calendar 2 pages; Monthly Planner 28 Pages; 1Day 1Page 385 pages
Material: MD Paper
A5 - H216 × W157 × D23 mm
A6 (文庫) - H154 × W112 × D23 mm